Hustle the night away!

#21 days coding Challenge

Books and Banter


So, this has always been on my To-do list, but I failed to start and stick on to it. Today I feel so disappointed for not taking that leap earlier. I have a lot of reasons be it academics or other things that made me pre-occupied. (or it was just me procrastinating things using lame excuses : P ) I want to start this challenge today and In this blog I am basically laying out a list of goals that I wish to complete and a few references to help me when I get stuck (which is a lot cause I am an amateur). I wish I will stick to this and the whole reason behind this blog is that peer pressure happens to drive me a lot. So I am just putting this blog up here. So, I don’t back out. Stay tuned to find out what I am up to in the days to come. I will update and document all the details here in this Blog !

List of 450 popular DSA questions from GFG : (Compiled by LOVE BABBAR sir)

Python Cheat sheet : I prefer to use Python as I am already accustomed to using it and I also want to brush up my Parseltongue (Very bad Harry potter reference, I know what I meant was to improve my understanding of Python Programming Language)

I completed this course on Crash course by Google on Courseera to learn Python (it was a long time ago, and knowing the fact that I just have the memory of a goldfish) so I would be revisiting this again and review the basics from the tutorials.

That’s it guys! Thank you for taking the time to read till the end and If you’re interested to follow along feel free to use the resources and let’s do this together!. I will be editing and adding more resources that I come across as I go, so keep an eye out on this blog.

Peace !

P ❤



Books and Banter

I am a 4th year Engineering UnderGrad who loves to read and write blogs. I am a Potterhead and a Tech Enthusiast. I am currently on the hunt for S/W Eng roles.